Crafting Your Signature Safety Gear: 5 Steps to Personalized Branded Hard Hats

  • 1 - Choose Your Hat Style

    Choose between full brim or cap Style hard hats based on your preference and specific job requirements. Full Brim provides more coverage and protection from elements, while cap style offers a more compact and lightweight design. Consider factors like comfort, visibility, and safety when making your decision.

  • 2 - Choose Your Hat Type

    Choose between Vented or Non-Vented

    • Vented meets ANSI Z89.1-2014, Type 1, Class C Standards; and passes LT & HT testing
    • Non-Vented meets ANSI Z89.1-2014, Type 1, Class E, G, & C Standards; and passes LT & HT testing

  • 3 - Choose Your Hat Finish/Design

    Choose between solid color hats for a classic look or designed hard hats for style. Gloss finish shines for a polished appearance, while matte offers a flat, modern look with reduced glare. Select based on your preference and workplace needs.

  • 4 - Select Logo Position & Quantity

    Upload your logo and preview its appearance on the hard hats. You can adjust size and position. Choose logo quantity and position for front, back, left, and right sides. Complete customization for your branding needs.

  • 5 - Select Text Position & Quantity

    Our platform allows you to upload your text and preview its appearance on the hard hats. You can adjust the text, select its position, color, and font. Additionally, you can specify the number of texts on each side: front, back, left, and right. Complete customization for your branding needs.

Get Started Now: Click 'Customize' for Your Personalized Branded Hard Hat!

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